My latest work spiral 19

I will go very frankly.
Recently I had a bad friendship breakup with my close friend on other social platform.

I know, this is not a place to spill the beans... But it's still making me down now after almost a month, not to have a good chatting friend whom I used to chuckle with.

How to move on?
My solution is... the time I spend tapping my key pad will be more on this community from now on.
Taking the liberty of this "blog" posting style... Right now.
I hope this helps my soul.

And I made artworks.
Positive side of breakup was ironically, it liberated my mind and made a room in my brain attic!
I could think or come up with new development, finally.

So here it is.


33x25x20cm, fabric, plastic, thread.
This is done with paper for a draft in the first stage.
Next time I show you how.
Basically, I don't use ruler. Just fold and cut, origami style.

Then I transfer it on to fabric. Cut and sew them together.
If it needs to fight with gravity, I add plastic or interlining according to how much firmness it needs.

This is the bone of this spiral.
It does look like bones, doesn't it?
I gave a bit of angle to those, so.... it is has a bit of movement than straightly attached.

Then I sewed down those flappy thingies😊.
This is half way done on one side.

You know, it's normal that we artists understand that our work is almost everything. It represents ourselves.

Which means you could see through personality from it, such as:
-is it carefully /carelessly made?
-is it colorful /colorlessly made?
-has complex/ simple?
-adventurous and innovative /conservative and strict?
-theres a story in it?
-monolouge or interactive?

And all other elements can be picked up from artworks, which interestingly reflects artists themselves.


Artists we all have our own individual ways to create.
My way is like making a toy model, but making those pieces to start with, then assemble.

I don't really care how I look... Because no matter how good or weird I look in physical appearance, it's all here, this is me.

The artwork and images in this post is made by me, @naomipangolin.

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