Art inspired by video games & Disney

I want to draw so often but never MAKE the time for it. Why do we have passions/hobbies we love but don’t chisel time for them? I never finish full art projects and I wish I did. I enjoy making new art and water color my finished sketches. I never do it and it is always on my mind “ooo I could draw right now…. Wait no I have to…” and then later I am mad I didn’t get to draw and work on my skills. Pic below is my water color chocobo <3 I really loved creating the colors for his book! Inspired by the chocobo Wii game I have Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon.

Completed watercolor:

I even notice my own progression sometimes with my art and that feels so great! I just want to try to make time more for it in my life and make art! If you didn’t notice I mainly draw animals. I do try to draw people but UGH eyeballs and facial structures are just so frustrating. Pic below is my progression change from a few months apart and honestly I rarely make time to draw. On the bottom is from Nov and top is from Jan. Can you imagine if I did? I need to keep at it!!

This pic below is another progression shot. Motorcycle on the left and the one on the right are 2 weeks apart. I was able to get more details of the motorcycle the 2nd time around! It is so cool to see the progress by accident when reusing old pages - haha!

Pic below I am super proud of! My Nala from Disney's Lion King! I adore facial expressions on cartoon animals!

Today I had a bunch of things to do but told myself to sit outside and sketch. I love drawing because it allows me and my mind to be still. I have so much going on and my mind is always busy with thoughts/idea/to do lists/ etc! It was nice to sit outside with my pupper and draw. I never know what I will draw; so then I go online and look up animals/bikes or whatever. When I come across a photo that inspires me then I will draw it.

I love connecting with other artists and I hope some of you can share how you make time?

Also, what inspires you to not only sketch but complete your sketch with watercolor/any other art mediums?

xx moony

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