George, acrylic on canvas, 16x 20"


Horses are one of my favorite creatures in the whole animal kingdom. Wild by me...they represent beauty, elegance, power, freedom, just to mane a few, pun intended.

Now, you're probably wondering why I've named this long-maned horse, George. Well, it's in memory of my beloved, neighborhood cat, George, who possessed the same attributes as horses. George was not your typical aloof cat: he was one of the most friendliest, inquisitive cat on my street. He did not discriminate against anyone. He greeted everyone that passed him by. Strangers stopped and engaged with him as humans do: business people, school kids, drunks and vagabonds. Sometimes he would sit dead center of the pavement, trusting that no one would kick him out of the way.

Morosely, it was while I was painting this beautiful horse, my next-door neighbor gave me the horrendous news! Poor George, run over and killed by a speeding, reckless driver! The hooligan! My heart did an alarming somersault then tears gushed like Niagara Falls. I adored George so much and he was not even my cat.

So, what do you think of my horse?

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