Monkey Don't Like No Kitty on Him's Back

So, . . . often when I sketch out a new design, I have a hard time deciding what exactly to do with it next.

Hmmm, should I simply ink it out on paper, art pencil, maybe paint it on canvas . . .

I know, watercolor!

Monkey Don't Like 03.jpg

Actually watercolor was LAST thing I did with this design. First it was a basic sketchy ink drawing with little white highlights.

Monkey Don't Like 01.jpg

Then I decided it needed to be a little more defined, and colors more intense so I put it on darker paper.

Monkey Don't Like 02.jpg

This happens a lot in my studio - I have made MANY versions of MANY designs. Sometimes it's hard to decide which one I like the best.

I would guess that this monkey & kitty will probably be painted on canvas one day too.

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