Let the procedures commence! Time to stop resisting...

It is time to surrender. There are things that I simply cannot control. I can do only my best and what will be, will be. I have been standing on my head, literally, trying to turn this baby and soon I will find myself in the hands of a Dr I have never met. If I could have it my way, my baby would turn to appease the Drs and then I would return home to wait the last month of my pregnancy out. I am just a vessel for my little boy,though. He will come into this world his own way, even if that means via cSection.

I don't like interventions. I am nervous about what might unfold. I feel like baby just needs a little more time. So many friends have said that their babies turned at the last minute, but the Drs already want to schedule a cSection! The procedure I am having may cause me to need one. Where I understand the position they are coming from, it feels like we live in a world where fear-based decisions are the norm and we do not trust nature or our bodies to do anything right... So, wish me luck and I will keep you posted.

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This painting is about vulnerability and exposing oneself. I am surrendering, I am open...Let it all wash over me like waves in the ocean. I hope for the best, but am prepared for anything.

Have a great day! <3

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