Sunset at Lakeside! My latest landscape artwork


Everyday, am much inspired by the tremendous guidelines given by Acrylic to make young artist like myself to be better...
So credit to Acrylic painting, you keep me being the best I can be in artwork.

Ever had the feelings of witnessing how beautiful nature is and the joy that is associated with it especially during the hour of sunset.
It's often something I do admire much because of everything nature do gives to us.
I challenge you to take out time and witness the feelings of being around lakeside during sunset.

Today, I did another harder artwork... This one actually troubled me to arrive at the very end but my appreciation goes to Acrylic for your simple direction.

Am also using it for my Tuesday landscapephotography entry contest of @juliank.

So check it out, here are some pictures I took during my painting work.

The first thing is actually to have a sketch of your painting work, it doesn't matter how neat it looks but the finishing matters most.

After that, with much detail look of how your reference picture is, just gradually with the right different brushes at different steps, apply the necessary colors until you arrive at your desired result.









So below is the final outcome of the whole process and one which much reflect much on my title.


Although am nt perfect but still learning.. But I much hope this little artwork from me gives you much a bit satisfaction but am working hard to impress my Followers.

Steemit gives me much impression and I have much taken out my time to offer steemit all I have to keep entertaining everyone with my own little way.... Much love from me.

If you find this good, don't forget to show your kind love and support.


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