One of the many things I'm interested in: Art and drawing

Since I'm fairly new here, I'm still searching for my spot. Although all that I've written and posted so far is something that I consider to be "my thing", I'm still figuring out if I should narrow my content down to some specific type of posts, or deal only with certain type of topics. The problem is, I do and am interested in lots of different things and consider myself as a thoughtful person. So at least my profile reflects who I am in some way, as I would modestly describe myself as: a sensitive, thoughtful, open-minded and in a way fairly intelligent woman, interested in many things from art to sports, culinary, travel, education and science etc. I'm always ready to contemplate and discuss things on a deep level. As I'm equipped with quite a good self-esteem, I dare to state that I do have a funny and goofy side among the other qualities mentioned above. So let me share another one of my interests with you:


I have been interested in drawing since I was just a young girl. I've always liked to express myself through it and it has been a way to relax and lighten the stress. I'm not saying I have the skills to be an artist (although what people consider skilled and art is subjective), but I've always thought I'm okay. At some point I even dreamed of applying for University of arts to study design or something related to arts, but then I got brainwashed to think I wouldn't be able to make a living as an artist, so I gave up that dream.

Anyway, here's something I drew a while ago.

Female body has always intrigued me; the smooth (or not so smooth) curves appeal to me, and I think every body is beautiful in it's own unique way. I draw these watching myself in the mirror, so they are modeled by me. I guess this is the most naked you will see me here, at least for now. They are not perfect, but I'm happy with the end result. Anyway what matters the most, is the process, ain't it @balabastic? I have always struggled with shadowing -I don't know how much to add and when to stop. That is why I drew only the outlines so that I wouldn't completely ruin my work this time. BTW if you have any tips for shadowing, please share them!


As I said, I'm interested in many other things too: I for example excersize regularly, study education (I'm graduating soon) and have played violin for twelve years, so I would appreciate you'd tell if there's something particular that you would find interesting to read about! :)


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