''Tweeking the features'' - Day three of painting a portrait.

Hello Everyone!

Today I had a couple of hours to paint so I decided to tweek a couple of the features that i felt wasn't working out so far.


To the left is the painting after todays painting session and to the right the way it looked when i started. Can you see what I've changed?
To read the previous posts in this series, here are the links;

Well, the biggest thing that wasn't working out for me were the eyes! They looked a bit too far apart and the way I painted them also made her look a bit cross eyed..

When I change things in my paintings experience has thought me that I should always be a quite rough with the painting over. If not I just start to fiddle and never really get mych done. Also it's a lot quicker, though I know a lot of people who hate to go in with a big brush and loose what they might have spent hours to find.
Well, I think it builds trust in your abilities. If you found something once you can find it again! Hopefully even better.

So let's take a look at how I went about it;

The first thinng did was go over the face and scrape at it with a palette knife. I like to do this as it soften edges and it's a good way to erase things that aren't working out.. Like the mouth, I didn't like them too much either and now I have to fix them. :)

The second thing I did was just to fill inn the iris with a general blue. The whole area so Im loosing all the subtleties. I also moved them a bit in the direction that I felt was better.

I then started fishing out the details starting with the darker blues in the shadows. I also put in the pupil in a dark blue just to get a feel for where they were without putting in the harsh black.


The next step was adding the black of the pupil. In this stage I stayed for a long time moving it a bit around and repainting the edges of the black to make them smooth and intergrate it with the rest of the eye.


The last thing I did was add on the highlights and lighter areas of blue in the iris. here you can also see I've started to repeint the mouth. Well, I still have a bit of work to do there as well as n the rest of the face which will get some additional layers of paint to add struckture and texture. I will leave it for today though and maybe continue tomorrow! :)

What do you think of the eyes?


Hope you've hall had a wonderful and creative day!

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