Progress update on ''Lady in White'', photos & thoughts - original artwork by @mayasky

Today I thought I would share a painting that for now I have chosen to call ''Lady in white''. I know, it's a pretty bad name, but truth be told, its one of those things I am really bad with. Giving names to my paintings, that is. Actually, if anyone looks at this painting and gets an association or a potential title pops into your minds, please let me know! ;)

I wrote a post about this painting a couple of months back, here's the link;

After that I had another session, but didn't much care for the way it turned out so I've left it since then..

Today I am showing it hoping for some feedback, good or bad, to get me back on the painting horse hopefully arriving at a decent end result not too far from now.

Here it is;


And here it is next to how I left it last time;

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So, here are my thoughts so far;

What I think needs clear improvment is the hands, the hair and the pond. I was thinking of putting goldfish in the pond.. Do you think it could be cool? I think so... hehe... When it comes to the hands, I need to work on the drawing and the form making them blend in more and not look so cut out. The hair I think is too bright now and has ended up looking too flat and a bit boring.

A part from that I am still doubting the background.. One thing I am considering is glazing the whole thing down, making it a bit darker to push it backwords a bit more...

Some close ups





So there you have it! :)

What do you think? Any ideas where to take it, what to change or what to let be?

Any thoughts are welcome!

Hope you're all having a wonderful and creative day! :)

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