Hector James, Nevelspoock, original art

Original painting, 24x30cm, oils on canvas:

Portrait in the Nevelspoock-series, a strange family from a long lost era thriving in misty memories. Together with friends, I'm producing a video-game, in which you can discover the secrets of this family, follow @nevelspoock for news, art, music and game footage.

Hector James Nevelspoock: born June 1863, St.-Henricus, Belgium
Direct family: father of Felix Nevelspoock. Married to Cyrilla Nevelspoock.
First wife Virginie Philidor, with whom he has two sons, Montague and James.
Met Cyrilla in Flanders, they married immediately and he came back with her to Nevelspoock Island.
Now: has fled Nevelspoock Island together with his wife because of mysterious happenings on the island.

Likes: books, especially encyclopeadias and trivia, modern technology
Hates: all kinds of sports

Is helpful and honest, but can be wary.

What comes to mind when you see Hector's portrait? Feel free to comment, and thanks for looking!

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