Back in Action - a Wooly Return

It has been more than two years since I've been on Steemit. Life has provided me a number of challenges and opportunities since then. I've grown my fiber arts business and my family. I've started regularly being published in both Spin-Off magazine and Ply magazine. And my fiber/dye garden has taken off. Check out these sweet rainbow carrots. The purple carrots create a lovely (though not incredibly long-lasting) lavender color.


I'm not sure what drew me back here. It may be the chance to write from a little bit more personal view. I maintain fiber articles on my website now and write professionally for two different magazines. Fiber is my life, but different audiences demand a different tone. This might be an opportunity for personal reflection and to be my own audience for once.

I plan to write a bit about the day-to-day of my fiber life and answer any questions I may get, since I focus on a rather obscure area of fiber arts -- making yarn. With a baby, a full-time job as a librarian, and a small business on the side, I don't have much time, but writing always creeps its way into my busy existence. Let's ride this train together.

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