Your Words Cause Ripples - A Poem By Hartfloe

 Your Words Cause Ripples

Speak your truth
 your words cause ripples  
 dancing across the endless cosmic ocean  
 into the abundant flow of the universe  
 your words cause ripples   
like ships in the night  
they don't have to be seen to make waves 
But everything that you say 
 will change the course of each day  
so speak your truth  
because your words cause ripples 

This short but yet powerful poem is written by @hartfloe

A Few Questions:

I wanted to dig deeper into @hartfloe and asked a few questions.

Question 1

 What events prompted you to write the poem "Your Words Cause Ripples". What does it mean to you? 

Response 1

 I was inspired to write it one day when I'd recently gotten into writing and performing spoken word and poetry, and for the first time in my life I suddenly truly realized just how powerful our words can be, and that we have a great duty to ensure that we use them wisely - for everything that we say causes ripples that echo out across the universe 

Question 2

 Do you feel like the poem you wrote is unfinished? Would you change anything about it? 

Response 2

 I feel like the poem is finished. There's nothing I'd change about it. It flowed with ease and finished naturally, so I feel like it is complete. It delivers the message that I wanted to deliver in just a few short lines - something that can truly be a fine art to master when it comes to writing poetry with a purpose - something I am still yet to truly master, as most of my poems are between 3-8 minutes long when performed! 

Question 3

 When did you start writing poetry? Do you have any tips for people that want to start writing poetry? 

Response 3

 I started writing poetry almost 2 years ago after breaking up with my high-school sweetheart and lover of almost 11 years - It wasn't a conscious decision - My heart hurt a lot, and when I tuned into it I found myself writing down my feelings and emotions, and poetry naturally started to flow from me. I later realized that writing was a coping mechanism to deal with pain, and that actually releasing those intense emotions and energies through writing allowed me to heal and progress through the experience so much faster. I am thankful to say that we are still best of friends and I feel like it was writing and finding poetry that helped me do that. Now I teach others on the self-therapeutic properties and potential for emotional release that is accessible to anyone through utilizing the pen and paper as a tool when life gets hard. 

Check out more of @hartfloe here

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