Happy Birthday? (English Version)

  • Throughout our lives, each year we celebrate being born, having come to life and enjoying a year of life that has been granted, these times are happy to have fun with our friends or family, spend an afternoon With a barbecue, or a party night, to finish the meeting by singing the "Happy Birthday" while lighting the cake candle.

  • But .... They have started to think, what about those people who do not have someone to celebrate their birthday ?, everyone in our life have met people like that, the typical shy of the class that did not get together with many people , The relative who lived in another country away from the whole family, from the friend who as a child moved out of school and did not see him again ...

  • Although they do not believe it, there are people who have this at least once of all the birthdays they have had, those people who feel lonely, desolate, who hate everyone and prefer to be alone in their pain, for these situations that are lived Throughout life I decided to make this story I hope you enjoy it:

"The best birthday"

"One day like any other, little Victor was in his locked room, away from the whole society thinking," How would it be if I did not exist? "," I think it would be better. "

To which his mother knocks the door:

"Son, did you invite someone to celebrate your birthday tomorrow?" - Your mother says kindly.

"No," he said in a very cold tone.

The mother withdrew without comment.

After hours, Victor decides to get up and go to check his computer, to what he listens as his mother calls him to dinner.

Victor gets up, puts on a T-shirt and continues down the stairs to the kitchen where his mother and father were sitting at the table.

When he arrived he sat down with them and poured some juice from the table.

How was school? - Your Father asks.

As always ... - Victor says despondent.

Are you going to introduce me to your girlfriend tomorrow? - His father asks jokingly.

If I do not have friends, how am I going to have a girlfriend? "Victor whispers.

I do not know - He responds.

At the end of the dinner, Victor goes up to his room, where he watches his computer and continues to sit down and use it.

He sees like most of the people he studies but does not relate, upload photos, have fun and partying.

It would be fun to do those things, "he tells himself.

Immediately he gets a message from a friend of his school that he spent a lot of time when he was younger but have lately been estranged:

Hello! - Jose writes to him.

Hello ... "He responds.

Are you going to do something tomorrow? - Jose asks.

Emm the truth is that I have nothing planned - he tells her hiding the party that his mother wanted to organize.

Ah okay, well if you change plans tell me! - Jose tells him which disconnects after this message.

Reading this, Victor turns off his computer and lies on his bed staring at the ceiling, and then falls asleep.

The next morning:

"Son, get up so you can come to breakfast," his mother says aloud from the kitchen.

Victor stands and goes to the bathroom, after brushing his teeth decides to go down to breakfast.

In what reaches the kitchen is surprised by his mother with a poster exclaiming his happiness towards him, approaches and hugs him.

Happy Birthday Son, you are the best gift you could have given me. I am very happy to be your mother - Your Mother says with tears in her eyes.

While Victor just hugs her and forces a smile on her.

Thank you Mother ... - He responds antipathically.

After having breakfast and saying goodbye to his mother, he goes to school expecting a disappointing day like the others.

Just arriving, he meets his friend Jose, who gives him a handshake and a big hug.

Congratulations Birthday, we have not talked about everything for a long time - says Jose, shaking his hand.

Well, all right ... - He answers.

And in the end you changed your plans about today? - Jose asks very excited.

Well, my mother wants to throw me a party but I'm not sure ... - He responds by entering the room.

Okay, I'll be there, "Jose says, walking away.

At the end of class, Victor decides to go home directly from everyone.

When he arrives he meets his mother making preparations and decorating the house.

Mother what are you doing ??? - He says in a tone of annoyance.

Well, fixing every son, what's wrong? - Answer her surprised mother.

That you do not have to do any of this, nobody will come to my party do you understand? He said as he walked up the stairs to his room.

His mother is very surprised to leave everything like this and climbs to Victor's room.

Son, but why do you say such things? His mother tells him through the door.

I do not want to know anything about people, nobody wants me! - He responds with a tearful tone.

His mother retires very disappointed, while Victor was lying looking at the ceiling thinking: "I hate my life."

When he no longer wanted to leave his room and sleep, he heard someone knock on his door.

Mom! I already told you that I do not want anything. -Responde lying in his bed.

..... - No one answers and they play again.

Victor gets up from his bed, wipes his face and decides to open the door.

Mother, I told you- "" It's short seeing that there was no one. "

To which he observes a paper stuck in the door that said: "If you ever feel alone and do not know what to do, look at the sky and look for a star and you will never feel lonely again."

When reading this looks up and sees a star stuck to the ceiling, he stretches out to grab it and sees that it has something written: "If you ever feel like crying, cry, let your tears out and with them all the things that make you feel wrong."

When reading this he thinks for a moment and associates the tears with the water, so he decides to go down to the kitchen to look at the laundry.

When he arrives he sees a heart struck which also had something written: "If you ever feel that nobody loves you, forget it, because that is not true, where you least think about this land will be someone who cares about you. "

Think again and think about your yard.

He goes to the patio where his friend Jose is, along with a lot of companions who were waiting for him to surprise him.

What is all this? - Question Victor surprised.

No one deserves to spend the best day of his life alone - Jose responds with a smile on his face.

Happy Birthday!!!!!!! "They all exclaim with joy.

Thank you! - Victor says with a big smile and a tear in his eye.


  • Well here ends this story, this is the English version of a original story that i made, I hope you liked it and see you next time.


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