
Agguaniles took place this year in the Heart of the Planet: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia. The convergence was structured from the MHUYSQA methodology of Transformation and Agreements. Through lectures, ceremonies, talking circles and community action, this gathering invited participants to activate their own gifts and make agreements for the betterment of the Earth, Water and future generations.


My group Dreams & Divinities collaborated with the artist group Seeds of the Anaconda to bring together art from the International Visonary community.

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This convergence acted as an introduction and contact relationship building point between indigenous tribes of Colombia and forward thinkers of the modern world. Both the indigenous people and modern minds have crucial tools and perspectives to share in order for the prophecy of Peace and Environmental Balance to arise in our lifetime.


This gathering resonates and is a living proof of the prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor towards the awakening of the hummingbird. The prophecy says that during the next 500-year period, beginning in 1990, the potential would arise for the Eagle (people of the mind, industrial and masculine) and the Condor (people of the heart, intuition, and the feminine) to come together, to fly in the same sky, and to create a new level of consciousness for humanity.

On the first day of our ceremonies after we washed ourselves and our intentions clean in the Diego river, did a massive spiraling hug, the sun came out and a condor came circling above us. Minutes later an Eagle descended to circle above us. On the last day as a local Kogi came to admire the show, a hummingbird entered the Maloka completing the sacred signs of these three prophetic birds.


Ceremonies from different tribes were held including a half moon ceremony held in a tipi, from the Native American Indian Church:

Everyone including the children loved the Cacao ceremony:

There were a dozen artists present and we made a community mural on an abandoned but soon to be revitalised school.


The Agguanile Gathering is a preliminary step that is working its way to the sacred valley of the agreements.:. Saquenzipa in 2020. This later Gathering will be held in Villa de leyva - boyacá – Colombia and will host spiritual, indigenous and modern leaders and families from all over the world to fulfill the agreement living in peace and balance with the Earth and all our relations.

You can keep in touch with events by following my newsletter:[UNIQID]

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Hope to see you in 2020!


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