Fanart of fanfic - Plushanon

Originally done for Inktober 2017, I did a piece of fanart for one of my favourite authors in the Rise of the Guardians fandom, Plushanon. This is from their fic, "But my smile still stays on."


With quivering hands and a shaky smile baptized in the rarest of waters, Pitch summoned his last vestiges of power, his three Nightmares, and bid them to seal the entrance with their remaining strength. Their dying shrieks would echo for days afterwards in the caverns, but he paid the cruel sound no mind. In fact, he paid no attention to anything else, as he slowly began to crumble and fade into his precious shadows.

Jack Frost had kissed him.

Oh, happy day.

Entire piece is done in watercolors, and I am very happy with the effect.

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