“Dragonfly トンボ” Cut Paper Art 切り絵 About my Steemit reputation 私のスティーミットレピュテーションについて


I created and shared this cut paper art before. I’m preparing for the an art gallery now for this coming autumn. I always feel weird when I touch my old artwork because I don't remember what I was thinking about at that time. What was I thinking when I created this dragonfly? Anyway, I finished trimming and framed it.

By the way, my Steemit reputation dropped one rank!!! I thought I was posting constantly and tried to communicate with people as much as I could. However, my reputation dropped!! Steemit... is still very mysterious for me. Oh well, I will keep on posting anyway.




My Site: https://koto-art.wixsite.com/mysite-1

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