Say Hello to the JOKER!

It’s October already and we have Halloween coming in a few weeks – essentially celebrated in memory of all the faithfully departed but now it’s become more of a reason to party and why not?
I like Halloween because I get to see creativity of others. How they think and what character (movie or real life) they wanna impersonate. It’s always fun!
So some years ago when I was still a student and hadn’t started working, me and some of my friends were sitting and deciding who wants to be whom for Halloween. Some decided they wanted to be Wonder Woman, Creepy Witches and so and so.
I however decided that I’d be impersonating the infamous JOKER! Amongst all Jokers, Heath Ledger’s impersonation is my absolute favorite!
So I talked to a friend who also happened to be a kick-ass artist and instead of buying masks or other items, I had him paint my face which was a piece of cake for an artist, of course! The entire process took about 2 hours or so which was daunting as it demanded lots and lots of patience sitting still like a zombie. The end result looked something like this:


Why so serious?!


"As you know, madness is like gravity... all it takes is a little push."


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