Fractal for fabric - Techno Grunge Punk

I have posted some of my fav fractals of mine that were created mainly for printing and hanging on a wall. Sort of, traditional art creation as it goes. Thing is, sometimes I like creating patterns or pattern like images where my thinking is that they will be used for printing onto fabrics.

I don't know sometimes tho, is it also still "proper art" in it's hangable form? I think so, but would love to hear what others think!

This one is my Techno Grunge Punk fractal pattern in it's poster like form -

Then I posted it on all over fabric printed clothing from a canadian based print on demand company called ArtOfWhere. I won't post everything I created with it, as that would be spammy LOL. But I will do my yoga leggings cause those turned out wicked cool.....


and something that I think is really rather clever! An origami tote bag! (Vegan friendly to boot)


I will probably post other examples of how I use my art beyond the traditional making a poster or print to be hung on the walls type stuff. It's not what I imagined but somehow creating for clothing as well as pride of place on a wall is satisfying, especially since I don't have a boss dictating what style to create. As with all art LOL

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