#fbf The time I introduced Larry Carlson to Alex Grey, 2008

Was looking through some old photos and found stuff from back when Alex Grey's Chapel of Sacred Mirrors was still in NYC. Back then they were doing these themed events called "Entheocentric Salon" which then inspired a monthly event I kickstarted at CoSM called "Entheovideo". This was short lived because at the time I was also working on my art school thesis project in SVA & getting ready to graduate, but all in all the few times that "Entheovideo" happened were super dope. We screened a bunch of psynimations from artists around the globe, showcased a few interactive installations that were super psychedelic and it was a also great opportunity for Larry Carlson, one of the participants that I had grabbed for the event, to meet Alex Grey.

Deep talks w/ Larry Carlson & Alex Grey at CoSM 2008

They clicked right away. Was cool to quickly find out how both of them had seen visions of "The Eyes" everywhere when on high doses of psylocybin, which in return had inspired their art making etc. To me that little detail just further validated that consciousness is field-like in some sense and that people can experience shared hallucinations or collective visions of sorts that are similar to each other's without ever having met prior to such experiences etc. I already felt this way about matters after having seen the "eyes" in a shared hallucination with my girlfriend, but its dope to hear it from more people. It's like there is some embedded symbol language in the GPS system of our user interface for reality, for lack of better words, that guides us with roadmaps of sorts to different reality frequencies and beyond. Maybe the brain is a transceiver/transducer of consciousness and not a creator or generator of. Anyways, i don't want to get distracted by too much philosophy here, but this was the kind of subject matter that was bouncing around during talks with Alex & Larry. Here are some photos taken by Susan Buck, who at the time was Alex Grey's main photographer during the mid 2000's. So nostalgic :::)

Chillin' w/ Larry Carlson & Optical Delusion at CoSM 2008

Chillin' w/ Larry Carlson & Alex Grey at CoSM 2008


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