Snow Dinosaur Snow Sculpture~


I love the snow! It is quite rare we get it here in England but this year in particular we got a fairly decent amount. It is a shame it is so disruptive and causes so many travelling issues because it really is beautiful. I find it makes everything clearer and brighter, it feels like it improves my eyesight which is weird. Also I noticed that there is different acoustics outside, it feels more silent and still after the snow has settled and stopped.

Anyway enough of my snow admiration, above is a little something I did a few years back that I had been wanting to share here on steemit. It's probably not the best snow dinosaur you will ever find but it seems rare that people build stuff like this out of the snow.

I love seeing people get creative with it as it is a piece of art that is fleeting, snow of course melts so that work you put in is only for that moment and there's something I love about that. =]

When I first started making this it started off meaning to be a robot, but it's body wouldn't balance straight and I noticed how it leaned looked like the arch of a dinosaurs back. I then decided to change it in to that instead. =]

It was a lot of fun and I hope to do some more stuff like this one day it was my proudest achievement at the time which is a little sad I guess but I was really happy with it.

Not long ago my girlfriend did a snow sculpture too which I loved and it reminded me that I wanted to share this with whoever wants to see. =]

Anyway thanks for reading and checking out my picture!

Sorry I didn't take more shots of it from different angles, looking back at it now I wish I did but if I ever do similar again I will make sure to! :D

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