
I always wanted to take pictures with neons unfortunately where I live basically there are not only LED signs, one day with Maria Elena (the girl in the picture) and driving down an avenue I saw a light in the distance, it was a place that had just placed neons , I went crazy and I told Maria "get off as we are going to take pictures" and of course where I go my camera I took it out and started shooting it's not the best, but I like it and I was able to meet a goal from my list of things to do.


Siempre quise hacer fotos con neones lamentablemente donde vivo básicamente no existen solo hay letreros led, un día anda con Maria Elena (la chica de la foto) y conduciendo por una avenida vi una luz a lo lejos, era un local que acababan de colocar neones, me volví loco y le dije a Maria "bájate ya que vamos a hacer fotos" y claro a donde yo voy va mi cámara la saque y empece a disparar no son las mejores la verdad, pero a mi me gusta y pude cumplir una meta de mi lista de cosas por hacer.

esta otra fue dentro de la tienda aunque eran luces led xd
this one was inside the store although they were led lights xd

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