A Wedding Gift : Cherry Wood & Maple Memory Box Process

We're traveling for my niece's wedding this week & this is the process of making their memory box for their wedding gift.
Jonathan of course, did most of the work & basically just did what I asked him to do. Our projects tend to work like that... I come up with the design or idea & he delivers. Like a boss.


Here's the beginning stages, the cherry wood dovetails all done up. We went with a slightly different look for the dovetails & I really love it. It's a bit more modern & minimal in it's overall look & I couldn't be happier with the final product.


We sadly don't have a planer, so I had to take it to this shop to get it planed down. Here is the beautiful lid for the box all beautiful & smooth after being planed. The light strip of wood through the cherry wood is maple wood.


Juuuusstt about done, when we had a little accident & kind of made some holes that shouldn't be there. Can you spot the fix? If yes, don't tell me. Just say it looks cool & that it looks like it was on purpose. A few tears might have been shed at that point in time & Jonathan was definitely wanting to throw the whole box in the garbage at this moment... but we prevailed!


Now to just round out those corners, do a bit of wood fill since we didn't have the greatest tools to work with & do the stain. I think we're leaning towards a clear coat/stain instead of a natural stain since I wanted to keep the look as natural as possible, but we will see what we decide!

Stay tuned!

-Liz Lemon

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