#ulog Coffee Beef Chicken Eggs


If Egypt is known as the country of a thousand mosques, then the province of Aceh known as the country of a thousand coffee shops. This title is none other because of the local passion to drink coffee. In addition to routine habits, drinking coffee for the people of Aceh was also considered as a stamina enhancer 'man' aka strong medicine. Coffee is considered to increase the stamina of this man has a special name, namely '' pudding '.

Egg whipped coffee is easily found in coffee shops spread across Aceh. In addition, to remove the smell of fishy, ​​shaken eggs soaked in hot water about 10 minutes. Furthermore, given a mixture of coffee or tea and a little sweetened condensed milk before ready to serve.


How to make beaten egg coffee is actually easy. First, separate the yellow and white eggs, because the whipped yolk only. Before the egg yolks are shaken in a glass, input sugar to taste.

Beat until the yolk color turns slightly white. After that,
soak a few minutes with hot water to dissolve the scent of eggs. Finally add coffee or tea and sweetened condensed milk. Beat egg coffee is ready to be enjoyed.

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