Painting Clouds In My Dreams

Painting Clouds In My Dreams

I haven't picked up a paint brush in months now. My head has been packed and crammed full of so much "stuff" lately that I haven't had room for creativity.

I yearn for it. I dream about it. I want to do something artistic so bad.

What is wrong with me? I ask. What has happened? I am the girl that does something crafty just about every single day without question. Without warning. So much so I get asked on the daily "what have you made today?" or "what project are we doing this time, Cynthia?"

I've never been without a "project" for so long!

I've been dreaming about clouds. I have always wanted to be able to paint clouds. I want to paint clouds until they look so real I can fall into them and sleep so sound that all of the heavy stuff in my head just falls right out and disappears into the fluffy air.


I took this picture a while back and I am hoping to replicate it with a painting some day.

Look how beautiful those clouds are!

I've begun reading The Artists Way by Julia Cameron and making some changes to my everyday life in hopes of letting go in order to bring myself higher creativity.


As for now, I'll keep painting clouds in my dreams
in hopes that I don't stay asleep for much longer.

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