Devil Shits On The Same Pile. PERSISTANCE is everything!

I got a show coming up in 2 weeks. Pressure starts to build up. The good news for me is that I work well under pressure. And so it's no surprise that I lay foundation to 3 new paintings today, prepared one big painting for shipping to States, managed a new potential client visit in the studio and as cherry on top of the cake I sold a painting my one of my old time collectors.

1 keiko waterfall logo.jpg

We got a saying in Czech republic that translates something like this: Devil always shits on one pile. Or also : When thing go awry the shit pours down in buckets.

You got the meaning. When things go wrong , they usually go all wrong at the same time. As if the big Mama Universe was testing you how much you really got in you. How much optimism can you muster under the cold rain.

It's been tough time for lots of us lately. I been through no orchid orchard walk either. Crypto is bleeding, FUD seems never-ending, manipulated dumps keep on killing every sign of bulls, weather in Vancouver been cold and shitty, I done no major painting sale since January and my shower broke down and plumbers were booked out for whole month. Gold got monkey hammered together with most other investments of mine (such as QID calls, basically Nasdaq shortsfor non-traders). Mooooood to get a depression.

But I know these times too well to get too low anymore. I take it as a test. And really the only thing you can do is this:


Translation from Spanish: Persist! If it was all easy, anyone could do it!

Well, anyone can really. It's a matter of conscious choice.

So I do what I do the best. I might not be in cheerful mood all the time but I never give up my work and overall optimism. I know that tides will turn around cause they always do. Yesterday was a totally crappy day. Rained all day like crazy, it was dark and cold and I had zero inspiration for painting. But I still delivered my daily load of work.

Today was an entirely different story. I was inspired , sold a medium-large painting and I was contacted by new client through my website ( who came over to check my work in person few hours later.

After 2 months of turmoil, it sure does cheer me up and gives me a little friendly nudge: "You see? Just keep on doing what you doing. For love."

This is the painting I sold today

Une Promenade Enchantee logo.jpg
Gonna miss this one. I like when I pull off this fairy-tale style art.

And this is what I worked on today


This will be another medium sized study of forest light, this time with river.


Same thing in smaller format, but I'll prolly put a humming bird in this one


Another two studies that I started from scratch today. One will have an eagle in front plane and the other a flock of birds. I like doing bunch of small formats for my show, it gives people opportunity to buy my original for promo price.

I will keep you updated on the progress. All of these will change dramatically this week!

What I really want to tell you today is: hang in there my friends. Never give up your optimism. Hard times are absolutely necessary to forge our characters and chip away our egos, making us more thoughtful, empathetic and loving.

Much Love to all of you!


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