BALANCE, original art. The Beauty In Simplicity

This was probably the very first time in many years that I painted something specifically for our home.

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We moved in a new place last week. Our first place together. And I thought that would hardly be a better opportunity (besides buying our first house) when I should put something on the walls painted just for us.

Gladys is a simple loving human being, so she asked me to paint something simple, with toned down colors. She knows well enough that I get sometimes into great length of complex paintings, not that they are not nice, but she tends to gravitate towards the simple paintings of mine with one prevailing color tone.

And so it was done. After all, who am I not to try to make my woman happy and make myself happy though her happiness.

Spiritual meaning of Flamingo is balance. Quite obvious when you see them standing on one feet. And I think that balance in life, especially mine (workaholic by nature, passionate nut as a bonus) and ESPECIALLY IN ANY LOVING RELATIONSHIP, is the key to happy life.

and thus came the flying flamingo to our life...


Here is a step by step process how it came to be. It took me about a day's work to do this 24x36inches painting

Going very light on the color gas this time

adding on

more details on waterfall and the vegetation


Flamingo coming to the world of balance

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I felt that the girl at the bottom in the tree pose would be a nice link and nice finishing touch. She is, after all, in a very similar pose as resting flamingo, which is a basic balancing pose in yogic asanas.

I can't hide my excitement so I have to drop the news- tomorrow I am posting the final result of my biggest winter project. I just signed it. AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT AND I BET YOU WILL LOVE IT TOO!!

Keep on being awesome Steemit fam and keep it balanced!

Much Love from studio 420!

follow @jankasparec

P.S.: Did you know that you can win an original painting of mine by subscribing to my newsletter? Yah man this no joke!;)

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