Sunny Saturday Ramblings....

It's Saturday ! I knew you'd want to know that. LOL !!!
I added these two photos and then I wondered what I had to say. It's the never ending story of my posts. I stopped and looked at other people's art out on the net and saved some inspirations for later.
I stayed up till the wee hours of the morning, so slept in past my norm. I am still slowly sipping coffee while doing various things around the house. I don't have big plans for the day, but sometimes by surprise, big things still happen. We've had some very cool night time temps here the last few days. Although technically it IS fall here, it doesn't look like it much yet, but I'm sure these cold nights will change that pretty fast. Soon the leaves will be singing their colorful swan song before dropping to the ground, leaving the trees that are not evergreens, stripped nekkid for the winter. That sounds all backwards, doesn't it?... stripping them of their clothes and leaving them bare out in the cold weather for the coming winter??? Thoughts like that only happen when you think of trees and things as if they had human conditions. Good thing it's not the same or we would need to be making coats for the trees.
I make the composition if these art pieces up as I create them. I'm sure that's obvious on most. I loved the ending color combination on this one and when it was done, my eyes almost wanted to see a sail, like on a sailboat, on the water, with a big sun or moon in the sky. Well... underneath all the other bits of whatever that is floating around. What if random colorful things did float around in the air all the time, only they were weightless and would float out of your way as you moved around and disturbed the air. That would be pretty.


When I stopped playing with this one last night and viewed the chaos that it is, I was lightly frowning till I realized it must have been subliminally "After The Storm". So much devastation in our state. The reports had the storm path possibly including where I live, but fortunately for our area, it curved greatly to the west of us and although we had a good bit of rain and some semi-high winds, we were nearly totally spared. I simply HAVE to be thankful for that. I do feel for those who weren't so lucky. I don't have the ability that I could see of actually going and helping out, so I've tried to contribute where I could to help others go and aid to be sent.

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It's a beautifully sunny day now. I don't have a plan for what all I will do. Certainly some things around here, some light chores, maybe working on a little porch straightening. I did the front porch yesterday evening and then watered the plants. The back porch needs some work though, re-organizing and beginnings of getting it winter ready. Not quite time for winterizing, but the weeks fly by it seems and it will be here way too soon for me.
I posted a couple things in the new SNAPS area. Pretty neat little place. Not sure how it will catch on. I love new things to play with, but I also don't need any more computer things calling for my time. Good Lawd ! I spend enough time on the net as it is ! Anyway.....
Again I hope you are all having a pleasant weekend.
Luv Ya !
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