Controversy in art with personal messages

I did a drawing today that I have seen in my mind a thousand times. I never could sketch the idea. Or get it out of my mind. Now that I have it on paper I want to see it on a wall. So next week I will start the process to do a large scale three layer stencil. And pick a spot to put it up soon.
It touches on the reality of "love" and it's socially made up ways. How destructive relationships can be. And what the lasting affects of what another words can do to one.
In the image it is a girl shooting herself, with hearts flowing from her head and blood spattered all over her dress. And I am considering drawing a child sitting next to her. The girl is devastated. Has had a world of mental,physical,emotional abuse. Every relationship building up to be the same let down. (And if I added a child) to include the fact that almost no partnerships last creating a barrier for some children in growth. A lesser in understanding certain things.broken homes broken hearts and last limbs or last reach outs. With nothing but failure to look to. It is in these moments in our own personal life we have to be the strongest for ourself. See the better moment. But alot of the time the worst gets the better and we fall. Take it in. For a moment. No one is ever pathetic for being where they are ever. Emotionally socially status wise.....anything.

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