Bucerias Chalk Art Walk 2023 ~ #chalkart

Pretty sure this is the longest I've gone without posting on Hive since I started here back in 2016. Just been super busy with high season upon us here, haven't had much time to do anything really.

This past week was the annual Bucerias Chalk Art Walk.

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The whole block of my street where my bar is located, is blocked off to traffic. There are food vendors set up, other vendors selling their wares like jewelry, clothes, and house goods. There is a stage with live music, and of course, the whole reason for the for fair to begin with, is the artists and their amazing chalk art murals.

I sponsored an artist this year and he was placed right in front of my bar. I really loved his work and thought he would at least be in the top 3. But the competition was stiff, and unfortunately he did not place. I still think he did a great job though.

It was a fun three days, from Tuesday to Thursday, and I don't think the bar has ever been busier on those days in the past than they were last week. It was a lot of fun.

I made a video about it if you care to watch.

Enjoy and I hope you've all been well.

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