Fighting neighbors

I wonder if I should try to go to sleep or not. My neighbors are arguing. (Two people, not all of them, living together in the same household.) Shouting. Again. Almost in the middle of the night. Freaking awesome. It always starts when I either have just gone to bed and am trying to sleep or have just fallen asleep and I wake up to a loud bang or someone shouting. Or both. One of the awesomely excellent and perfectly great and swell sides of living in an apartment house. Loud neighbors.

I've been living here little over 10 years and I've heard partying, loud sex, someone forgetting the music on and passing out, teenage rage and tantrums. And of course fighting. But my newest neighbors on my bedroom side wall seem to love fighting often and conveniently always at night. Apparently any time after 11 in the evening and before 7 in the morning is a perfect time to shout at each other.

We have thick stone walls here, but obviously not thick enough.

Sometimes though, I think our walls are too thick.

It's really irritating when you don't hear all the words. How can I decide who's side I'm going to take if I can't comprehend what has happened. I need to know who is the ASSHOLE in question, why someone needs to LEAVE, who are the other people they are talking about, why someone just CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE, what is the thing that someone HAS TO SAY OVER AND OVER AGAIN and what has the table done to them since it's been hit so often?

Is it about the dishes? Drinking? Cheating? Friends? Relatives? Who let the dogs out?

So irritating.

Perhaps I should make myself some !popcorn, take a warm blanket, few pillows, go ring their doorbell and ask if it's showtime already? I could pitch in and for instance shout every now and then something like: "I concur!", "Fifteen love!", "Exactly! Show him/her where a chicken pees from! An old Finnish saying.

Or perhaps I should just end their sentences with my own words. As they are fighting at night and I am pretty tired and can't think of anything original to say, I think I'll just repeat the same words over and over again. So every time either one of them takes a little break in shouting to catch some breath I would be ready to shout those 3 words that make everything better.

Yes. You guessed it right.

The words are:

In my ass.

"You never take the trash out!" In my ass!
"Were you drinking again?!" In my ass!
"Who were you with?!" In my ass!
"Your friend is a twat!" In my ass!

Considering my previous post where I said how I feel about drama, this post might make things a bit confusing. But my explanation is that it depends. On the other hand I'm slightly concerned if I should listen what's happening so that I can call the police or ambulance if needed. And on the other hand I do want to know do my neighbors have bigger problems than I have. If they do and as I am an incredibly shallow person, knowing it would help me sleep better.

If they can't talk at daytime like grownups do, meaning shouting stupid insults to each other and say the same things over and over again not listening each other at all, I will be forced to take action. I will have to buy a stethoscope. To hear what the all the argues are all about.

It is my right to listen if someone decides to talk or fight with a loud voice. Just as everyone has the right to be superficial and fight however stupidly they want. It's called shallow rights.



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