Sigil for Nichole...

I made this Sigil for Nichole. Nichole's mother is a psychopath. I know Nichole's mother - she had a terrible childhood. She was a homeless kid on the streets of Portland, sleeping in parked cars because her parents abandoned her. She lived with her drug dealer and was pimped out at the age of 14. Eventually, she found a way to grow up when she met a kind lady who raised her and the other street kids, and she became a semi-normal seeming person - but - she is also a psychopath. She became a "Christian" of a certain type. She says all the latest words that "Christians" say like "hedge of protection" and "prayertime". She became a Chaplain and a Church Administrator, and she sounds really good to all the people at the church, but...the cobbler's children go without shoes...Nichole's mother has not done her own work that she needs to do to become whole - and even having her own daughter was not enough to make her delve into her past. Instead ...

...when it came to raising Nichole - she did not. She ignored her daughter. She let Nichole do whatever she wanted - leave her clothes strewn about, leave crap all over the house, flunk out of school, act out - hit other children, - and never disciplined her. She let's the cops do that. She put her on medication at about age 11. Nichole dropped out of high school at an early age, has been to jail many times. She ran away from home one time - snuck out of the window, and did not come back for 6 months.

I saw Nichole this weekend...we headed to the mountains for a retreat, and she joined us - as it turned out - at age 20, she was unfortunately up to no good - she confided in me that she was there to get a boy wrapped around her axle...She had long extensions on her hair - and make up and skinny jeans...she spent hours in front of the mirror daily getting her act on... Nichole is not done doing her thing - trying to get her Mamma's attention... so I made this Sigil for her and a drawing ...

The Sigil says "Nichole Roberts lives her life's purpose."

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