Freewrite #2- My Favourite words

Since time immemorial human beings have used different means for communicating and expressing their feelings. Speech has been the most common form of communication. But not everyone is able to express themselves through speech. So, they choose other creative ways of expression. Every person has their own unique way of truly expressing themselves. Whether it be through body movements, painting, singing, writing or speaking.

I have always been an introvert. I don't talk much with people I am not familiar with. And I talk a lot to people I am close to. Inorder to reveal a hidden part of me I started writing. Since then I have poured out every emotion, every thought and every fantasy of mine on paper. I may not be perfect at what I do but atleast it's something that keeps me alive and happy.
I love learning new words from different languages. They usually serve as my poetic muse. They are a great source of inspiration during my writer's block.

It's essential that what one writes must reach other person's mind and heart. People usually believe that the language one uses must be simple and easy. The words that we use in our writing must not be totally other worldly. Which is very much true. But using a few beautiful words always adds a bit more smoothness to your writing. Good words are the most important aspect of writing. So, I decided to make a listicle of some of my favourite words. Here we go:-

  • Aubade

Google meaning

a poem or piece of music appropriate to the dawn or early morning.

Aubade is a French word which originated around 17th century. It is a morning love song about lovers seperating in the morning. Aubade is the opposite of serenade which is an evening love song.
The lyrical short poem Aubade by William Shakespeare is a perfect example.



Another example is The Sun Rising by John Donne. It is one of the most romantic poems I have ever read. It definitely is my favourite.

sun rising by john donne.webp


  • Zephyr

Google meaning

a soft gentle breeze.

Zephyr is an old English word. It evolved from the Greek word called Zephyrus. Zephyrus was considered to be the Greek God of west wind. He was also the God of Spring.
The history behind the entire word is very interesting. Also I love reading about Greek mythology. It inspires me to experiment with the fantasy genre.
The word Zephyr reminds me of the sweet sound of wind chimes, old books and the beach. It puts me in a calm mood.



  • Petrichor

Google meaning

a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather.

The word originated around 1960s. It was the result of scientific study conducted by CSIRO scientists Isabel 'Joy' Bear and Richard (Dick) Grenfell.

I didn't know of this word until this year. I was given a writing prompt on the topic Rain. I usually define the scent of it as musky or earthy. But I wanted to know about the exact term. So, when I searched I came across this unique yet wonderful word.



  • Sifar

Sifar is an Urdu word which means zero. It also refers to as nothingness. It is a very simple word. But when you read in between the lines there are a lot of interpretations one can make. This word makes my imagination go wild. When I first tried to use this word as a prompt I wasn't very sure of what I would write. But once you sit and start doing the job the words automatically flow.


Rekhta Foundation

  • Mellifluous

Google meaning

of a sound) pleasingly smooth and musical to hear.

The word mellifluous originated from the Late Latin word mellifuus. I think this is the word I have used the most. I love the sound of it. Also it reminds me of the moon and my childhood.



-©Pratibha Badgal AA

Hello everyone. These were a few of my favourite words. I will be posting a part 2 soon.

Question Of The Day

What are some of your favourite words?

Do let me know. Thank you for reading. Stay happy and healthy. Much love.



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