Back To The Good Kind Of Mischief! Some New Art.

Seen felt known all the lonely times. Even now the world can sometimes feel so far away. Wheres the connection the passion the action? Gone long enough and intense enough on the paranoid society plane. Regain the stance, regain my mind. I met 2 different people who had a sibling who was acting as a shut in, all with physical symptoms. Reminds me to write a song about it. Tell a story, to let them know I'm thinking about and inspired by them. Reminds me to chill out and get my inflammatory symptoms down too. Get back to health and stealth to some good clear expression times.

Darn well, damn well, hey back to it then! Yea did work on a little music something collage today, can't save the program so left the window open, should finish the little experiment soon. Keep pushing through, meditate, almost don't think about it, keep working not worrying just working on building up to performing. The distractions and disastrous results seemed to dissolve a will to resolve, yet I've always been involved to not cop out or leave the fold.

I remember that little bit of love goes along way. Many have got depressed, acting weird, there was that young lady from the diner who still had the knack to have the overall glow so many may have seen to lost. Reminds me to stay on the aura way. Get some kind of community event happening. Have some articulation of spirit event come around. I want to be around. We can feel a part. No longer addicted to electronics or substitutes for socialization. Get together with real people who enjoy each others company. Not for any extra special reason. Just 'cause you are ultra normal.

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