Another Real Late Night! So I Unload Some Art!!

Do I not know what to do or say!? I unload some art, to start the heart, to unload those stories. My mind has been racing and pacing sometimes. The bite of the harsh situations still bite down. Still the vultures knock on the door. So I get my knack up, get my up to speed up, I get back up. I know my experience is my back up.

The long days and nights through the disorder. I find my own order despite the discord. To spite all the miss-heards in the heard. Get back to the heart-core. Know the score. Know it's a bore. Get out of the game that is rigged against the poor. Give us our wings so that we may soar. Don't shut the door, have a welcome hand to welcome aboard.

I de-stress all that was a mess from my past. Get past the confusion, and the moped state of going nuts with cabin fever as a drone. I was not so spun. I never believed I was too grieved to give up or in. I can get back to my full self, no longer feeling let down or left out. The genuine feelings and connection are all the real reason. All the downer symptoms came from the unreal and never pass the test. No need for guilt or to confess. Re-address the scenario.

I get back to my true self. The real me. There are no illusions. I will not be diluted or deluded. I wanted friends to come out and play. Not fairly weathered fiends. Drop the R from friend and you have a fiend!! Get it back to R way! to create the super fun scheme! The right kinda social scene! Get out of the anti-social social circles. Where they laugh and drink and make fun of people in the dark 'cause they afraid to face themselves. Get out of the sad sap scene.

It's okay to come back with me!! In this time you can have your space to be yourself. We will meet in some in between of sorts. Not really for we can be farther than we have imagined and the woes of past won't seem to matter so much anymore. Get to the next level! The next phase of discovery! I'm going forward to go farther! I'm interested to see where I could end up. Steer in the great exuberant directions!!

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