Today's Drawing #61 - Love Yourself

Hello everyone... Welcome to my today's drawing, ehem I mean Today's painting. Well, recently I feel too lazy to draw anything, so I decided to paint one of my old drawing.

If I'm not mistaken... the reason I drawn it because at that time I have problem with self confidence since I got so many acnes all over my face, my skin were so oily, and some other skin conditions. But, after I put up make up and wear a nice cloth my confidence rate increasing. So, I was thinking "girls are beautiful, but not all of us taking a good care of ourselves, depression or problems can make a girl pay too little attention at herself, and this lack of care would lead to more problems, so, girls, no matter how hard your condition, keep taking care of yourself. So, when you look at a mirror at least you won't feel horrible. On the other hand, some girls have income problems that they hardly can taking care of themselves".

Anyway, this time I decide to use my Faber Castell Watercolor Pencil which I bought last year, but somehow I never use it, lol. So this is my first experience using this kind of thing. Every time I draw something, I'd try to do something I've never done before, so I will learn something new, and this time I figured out that.... Outlining supposed to be the last step, so I won't ruin my drawing when I put some water to my drawing. When I paint it I have no idea about it, so you can see her nose and eyes looks dirty, well, experience is the best teacher, isn't it?

How to Draw

My Drawing Tools:

  • Pencil
  • Water
  • Brushes
  • Sketch book
  • Faber Castell Watercolour Pencils
  • Eraser
  • Gel Pen



Colouring, I was using Faber Castell Watercolour Pencils. For her hair I used number 426, 478, and 492, for her skin I was using number 432, 430, and 414.

When colouring, start from the brightest colour as the base color, and don't put so much pressure on it, or the paint won't blend naturally.

I still not fully understand about this watercolor pencil, if you have any critics or tips and trick about how to use it, I'd be happy. Well, That's all for today... see yooooooouuuuu 😊

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