Today's Drawing #52 - Untitled

Somehow right now I remember the first time I make a simple art and post it in my instagram account. It was a little bit abstract that people will not understand what I make. But... there were a painful comments from one of my followers. He said "You call this sh*t an art? Do you even know what is art? Art is something beautiful, not something like this! Shame on you, how dare you claim it as an art!". At that time I was so shocked by his word that I answer his comment by just copying a definition of art from Wikipedia, but he keep saying hurting word that in the end I decided to block his account.

I don't know how a person can disrespect somebody else to that level, but apparently he is not the only one. In this crazy world the number of Internet troll keep growing and there's a huge number of cyber bullying. Yes, I know what I write have nothing to do with the picture, but what can I say? My mind flies to the past, to the time when I feel down just because a troll, and somehow his words keep coming to my mind whenever I finish my painting.

How to Draw

My Drawing Tools:

  • Watercolour Paint
  • Water
  • Brushes
  • Paper

FIirst make the paper become wet, I always use wet and wet technique for my drawing, I feel it's easier to do. Next, start working on layer per layer.

Starting by colouring the first layer, using blue and yellow, later keep adding more colour until I feel satisfied with my drawing. Well, I'm sorry for my bad explanation, I hope you will understand by looking at the photos that I attached here 😅

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