The greatestbastard and His Mentors

Good day lads! Today, I want to share my experiences here in steemit. When, who was the main reason I am here now, and how I began. Let us begin answering the Wh Question. I began using steemit last February 2018. It was introduced by my co-teacher Andrew John A. Tamban (@andrewjohntamban). At first, I didn't get his point but he continues to explain and encourage me to create an account and be a part of this complex and challenging society. By the roller coaster explanation of my great lad, he got me! So I decided to create an account. Many days went by, and Hooray! My application was completely approved!

I am like a pre-school that don't know what to do first. What should I suppose to do; and even how to make a blog. Luckily, with the help of Andrew, I met these great and spectacular mentors that I was in debt for the rest of my steemit journey! They helped me with the posting, tagging, formatting, and joining in a contest. Without these individuals, I am a total failure. Now, I am giving them my warmest regards through the medium of art. I stole one of their pictures and make an avatar or a doodle face out of it.

I am glad to introduce you senior et mademoiselle (ladies and gentlemen), the greatestbastard's mentors!


First, the one who always been a great lad to me, Andrew John A. Tamban (@andrewjohntamban). He is my co-teacher since 2013. He is a total package of being a good friend. He likes to help other people on what he discovered, anything... everything!

He does like girls and beers, especially iced cold beers! Haha! Just kidding brother! You and I both know that we had unforgettable moments together. But always remember that I am always here for you buddy. Even a couple of weeks right now we are going to separate our roads, you're still the best partner that I had in our profession. Good luck to you teaching the upcoming students in our school. Hope that we cross our roads again. Buddy, thank you for inviting me here in steemit because I met great persons in this community. And I know, someday, I will meet more in the near future.

The second that I've met is Ankarlie Santos (@ankarlie). Honestly, Ankarlie and I are not close to each other. She always had a busy schedule by helping other newbies around.

Furthermore, she always discusses cryptos and some stuff regarding the news in steemit. But, I still and forever still remember how she helped me when I was a minnow. She was always there for us even now despite her busy schedule, and she always makes time for all of us. I do hope that someday, I will meet this wonderful woman and will give her my warmest gratitude. But now, here is a way of giving thanks to her. @ankarlie thank you so much for always been around for minnows like me and continuing helping the others. Please do inspire others as you inspire me. See you when I see you. May God bless you always and your journey in the steemit world!

The third is Judd De Leon (@maverickinvictus). This is one of my greatest mentor that I've ever met for he is a philosopher. He is not only a mentor but also an awesome friend.

He supports me and continuing supports me in my journey here in steemit. He loves to write novels. He is the one who encourages me to join in a contest, and he is the one who taught me "how to justify a text" format in using a cellular phone. Even now when I do have questions, he answers me right back without any hesitation. I know that sometimes I disturbed him, but he didn't ignore me even once. I really admire this kind of people and I have blessed that one of them is my mentor Juddeweiser. I am looking forward to meeting this man and give my thanks to him personally. @maverickinvictus, thank you for always supporting me and always answering my questions. Thank you so much! Without you, I am just a lurker in this community. Please keep in safe and may our good Lord bless you and guides you!

As I wander in this society, I met my fourth mentor and that is Oli Ramos (@tpkidkai). I met him in discord. He is a man with full of energy.

This great lad is the one who always checks my works and gives the advice to make my post become better. Like Ankarlie, he is busy too with his stuff. But he is always been there when you needed him the most. In addition to this, we are planning to have a meet up this summer vacation. He came also in our province. When that time comes, I will go to that said upcoming meeting to thank him personally for helping me continuously. @tpkidkai, I will bring a guitar on that day because my little birds brought me news about you that you are a great singer. Hahaha!!! By the way, thank you for always checking my post even if it disturbs you. God bless you Oli and your family! See you around!

The other person that changed my life here in steemit is Soren Cardente (@sorenkierkegaard). I met him in a steemit group chat in messenger. He do loves travelling everywhere.

This man became a good friend of mine. He always supports my blog and leaves a comment or suggestion about it. I didn't know him personally but this man is indeed a great lad. I hope that destiny allows me to meet this man. I admire him because he love reading books. @sorenkierkegaard, thank you for being a good friens of mine. Hopefully that you help more minnows like me. Please always keep in safe when you are travelling. God bless you always!

Next one is Allan Medina (@kendallron). I met him a couple of weeks ago in discord. Actually, we are not yet that close just like my other mentors but like Oli, he checked my post if there should an improvement and bang! He told that there was a grammatical error.

Since that day I found my self another mentor who can guide me in this society. A mentor who voluntarily wants to help other minnows to excel in this community. I feel great finding mentors like them. I hope that I can send my warmest regards to all of them. @kendallron, thank you brother even if we are total strangers, you helped me that day and I will not forget about it. I will treasure it here in my esteemed journey. Thank you so much and I hope to see you soonest too just like the other mentors that uttered above. God bless you and please continue your good attitude by helping minnows without expecting any in return.

The sixth mentor and a friend that I have found is @crimsonclad. I do not know so much about her yet, but I am very thankful that she accepts me wholeheartedly even though that we are both complete strangers.

She is the one who let me in and joins the "PAL". Without her helped, I am not able to gain more friends. In that community, I found friends like @matytan, @adamada, @getslothyy, @juliakponsford, @liberviarum, and @rockchickjen. These people help me also to survive this challenging society. Thank you to all of you "PAL". With you guys, I can extend my ability and make good content posts. My deepest gratitude to all of you!

And lastly, the one who inspires me the most, Terry Ajayi (@surpassinggoogle). This person was being admired by most steemians even myself. I admire this man because of his good attitude towards other people.

He sees everyone as his own family. For him, there is no rich or poor and no boss or a peasant. He truly a great example for minnows like me. Also, he always gave his undying support to me by upvoting and resteeming. I wish that one day, I can see him and talk to him and give my greatest and warmest gratitude for him. @surpassinggoogle, please always take care good of yourself because I know that many of minnows like me need your support and I will do pray for your health and your career to become better or even the best. May our good Lord bless you and your entire family even your friends and relatives always!

"Every master was once an apprentice". But for me, every apprentice wasn't able to find great masters along the road...

I am blessed that I have found these people in my life. They made a big impact in my lige as a steemian. They say that gem is a valuable thing but I am not looking for a gem. I am looking for stones to build the greatest empire in this world. An empire that no one can destroy even cannons and dragons. I can say that these individuals are some of the greatest stones in this vast universe. With their abilities, they are creating a bastard who can be used for the wars to come. It means that they are building me up to survive in this challenging and complex society. I promise that I will do what they have done to me. I will help every minnow that I will go meet someday because I knew the feelings of being a minnow. I learned a lot from my mentors especially, the "ART OF HELPING WITHOUT EXPECTING IN RETURN." Now, I want to simply give them my regards by means of those avatar or doodle face that I have made. Thank you so much to all of you for being the @greatestbastard's mentors. I am looking forward to meeting you someday. God bless us all! Steem to the moon and back! ❤

The pictures of the greatestbastard's mentors


Thank you to all the mentors that I had in this community! See you when I see you! God bless you all! ❤





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