Sing with me a song of... happy birthday!



I'm late, but I'm here! I was going to publish it on March 3rd (Azura's birthday), but because several reasons I couldn't, but here it is.

I've really enjoyed the Fates series. I dedicated +55 hours for Birthright, +50 hours for Conquest and I'm through Revelations right now with +50 hours! Azura is one of my favorite characters, so I wanted to dedicate her a fanart for her birthday. I couldn't decide if I prefer the dance she performs in Birthright or the one from Conquest, so I decided to mixed them together! Which one is your favorite?

I started by doing a rough sketch of the pose for Azura (I used photos and a 3D model from Design Dolls as references). This pose is a what I think is a mixture between the style of Azura's dancing in Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright and in Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest. Then I draw a clean sketch of the pose, I lowered the opacity and draw over it a sketch of Azura. The only physical difference (besides colors) of both attires is that she's wearing a veil during the dance in Conquest, so I draw it and I draw her rod to separate both sides. All of this I made it using a pencil in the software Clip Studio Paint. Then I made the lineart using a G-pen.


I applied flat colors and for the first time I colored the lineart as well. Then I applied lights and shadows. I applied a tip I learned recently where you apply white color in the blending mode Multiply for the shadows, and you color over it, and you do the opposite for the lights (apply black and use the blending mode Screen). It's useful because you can select the area you colored with black/white and you apply the lights/shadows without getting out the space you were supposed to apply them.


I looked for a lot of references of spilled water, Azura's drawing involving water around her and even some waterbending (from Avatar: The Last Airbender), as well as I watched some tutorials on Youtube. I drawed the path of the water, applied flat color, lights and shadows. I then applied some effects and blurs to the water.


For the background, I applied some shades of blue and some waves at the bottom of her feet and rod.


I applied some drops of water into the air:


And then I applied the lyrics of her song: Lost in Thoughts All Alone. The first paragraph is for the Lakeside Lyrics, the left one is for the Birthright Lyrics, the right one for the Conquest Lyrics, below them are some lines that are only from the full song, then the Revelations Lyrics (from Fire Emblem Fates: Revelations) and it ends with the last sentence of the song. The structure of the full song is as follows:

  • Lakeside Lyrics (Chorus)
  • Birthright Lyrics
  • Chorus
  • Conquest Lyrics
  • Extra lines
  • Revelations Lyrics
  • Chorus
  • "You're the ocean gray waves" (first sentence of the chorus)


Here you can see a version without the lyrics:


Here a version without the lyrics and without the front water:


And here is the final result:


I hope you like it! As always, questions, suggestions and comments are welcome.

What do you think about our lovely songstress?


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