Painting David Bowie from Space Oddity | Step-by-Step

Hello again! It's me, but this time with a new full digital illustration step-by-step as a promised. Today we have one of my favorite musicians ever, and he's David Bowie.

Foto 12-12-18, 9 05 07 a. m..jpg

For this illustration I studied the photography of the music video: Space Oddity. Since it is one of my favorite songs, I tried to recreate one of the frames, personally for study purposes. The method is based mostly on oil or gouache painting. Take a look on how I did it below:

Step 1: Sketch
This time I created a basic sketch in blue, with a few lines just to locate the basic elements.

Foto 12-12-18, 8 48 51 a. m..png

Step 2: Black and first flat colors.
Changed the background to black and started making the first patches of paint on the head and arms with flat colors and a textured brush. In procreate, is called the Nikko Rul Brush.

Foto 12-12-18, 8 49 30 a. m..png

Step 3: Colorizing skin and solid lines
With a softer brush, added red and oranges to the skin, smudging and blurring between colors to create the volume game. Also added solid lines for the eyes, hair and other feautures.

Foto 12-12-18, 8 50 09 a. m..png

Step 4: More Volume and Textures
First repeated step 2 and 3 in the shirt and guitar. Kept voluminizing the hair, added more solid lines.

Foto 12-12-18, 8 50 28 a. m..png

Step 5: More Lightning and details
Repeated colorization as stated in step 3 for the shirt and guitar, then added lightning and a Space Oddity Lettering as a final touch.

Foto 12-12-18, 8 51 04 a. m..png

Watch the full speed painting video to see in detail the process!

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