Under The Shadow of The Forest of Elders [Topic Thematic Options painting]

Summer is going well. The Bright heat burns mercilessly, destroying our bodies lazily, which inevitably pulls into a shady spot. Asphalt melted under the feet, and the smell of asphalt steamed unpleasantly touched the nostrils. And you rush to the pool, ...


Pool. Vasily Polenov, 1879

... dreaming of breathing fresh air and cold water fountains, sprinkling the spray in different directions, just inside it to spit out by running:


Swim place. Thomas Eakins, 1883

And where to find it, if not under the shadow of the old tree, carefully covering the clear water under the shade of their branches, where it is very pleasant to escape in the still-hot sun of dawn:


Dawn. Fedor Vasilyev, 1873

Someone would rather go to the beach, but someone is constantly attracted to the green oak forest, to the white birch swamp and the smelly rocks. For their friendly rounded dance around the forest lake:


A grassy pond on the edge of the forest. Siverskaya. Ivan Shishkin, 1883

How cool it is to lie in the water surrounded by water lilies, ...


Water lilies. Nenyufary. Isaac Levitan, 1895

... imagine a fairy tale in which a charming nymph will appear now ...


Nymph river. Herbert James Draper, 1909

... click her female friends, and they will start with a carefree dance:


Willie (perfume water). Giuliano Bartolomeo, 1906

Or go to the edge of the forest, where stands the majestic forest giant, touch the rough skin, listening to pereshopot calm leaves, a little kolyshimoy wind and his head thrown back, enjoying a celestial turquoise interspersed like a mosaic, in the crown razlozhistuyu:


Oak. Isaak Levitan, 1880

I always imagine that the oak tree is a jungle keeper. Wise and quiet guards, already in their own way governing peace. There is something unshakable, monumental, admirable. Not that none of our ancestors regarded them as sacred trees:


Oak Grove. Ivan Shishkin, 1887

You can explore long forest roads, tufted ferns, enjoy the silence around them:


A road in the forest fell. Fern. Isaac Levitan, 1895

Although silence in the forest is a conventional concept. Bird Hubbub is perfect for that:


Nestlings of the red-breasted shrike. Bruno Liljefors, 1887

The main thing is no noise of the city can be heard. And the fact that some picchigs, though sparrows in their hunt for summer presents will make a real stir, so this, compared to the screams of the brakes, is a real pleasure to our hearing:


Sparrows in a cherry tree. Bruno Liljefors, 1885

Somewhere close to the reservoir, you can hear the fluttering of the swan wings. Beach dishes can be counted on to protect birds from the view of disturbing uninvited guests:


Geese in the reeds in the first rays of dawn. Caspar David Friedrich, 1832

And fatigue as if inadvertently leading to a clean, friendly cleansing, where one wants to collapse under the first tree in the grass and quietly enjoy an unhurried journey of time, trapped somewhere in the middle of a circle of flowers:


Oaks. Ivan Shishkin, 19th century

But no matter how slow the swim, the sunset will end soon, and I want, I do not want to, but I have to go home:


The sun sets over the lake. Efim Volkov, 19th century

I hope I am not tiring anyone with a little walk in the jungle environment, which is not always possible in reality.

All artwork presented in the article is in the public domain.

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