3D Printing & Kanzashi Decoration


Hi everybody!

I have been doing digital graphics since 2005. I love my work very much, but I was always sad that my works were not embodied in the real world.

By the invention of 3D-printing, we finally got the opportunity to bring the 3D-design in the material world. But many years all 3D-printers that print with high precision were very expensive. And I waited for many years the appearance of more economical models. Finally, I chose a suitable model, but even this model I cannot afford at the moment.

So I decided to launch crowdfunding campaign for this project.

If you like my idea and my design, then you can help me start embodying my design in the matter right now by sharing my project with people:

3D-printing & kanzashi


I want to buy this model of 3D-printer:

I will use these materials:
Harz Labs

Thank you for your attention to my project!
Have a Great Day!


Sorry for my poor English :)
All images used in this post are my property.

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