The Golden Pale Horses šŸ“ oil on canvas with gold leaf

ā€œGolden Pale Horseā€


ā€œGolden Pale Horsesā€ is part of my collection for Sacred animals series. Handcrafted by using gold leaf for the background and oil paint with a shimmer of acrylic. Horses are very powerful animals, and they represent freedom, movement and desire. I love working with gold, and i pretty much done a lot in here. For me it represent the the Golden age as we are in it and its time to break free and find new ways of thriving.

The full moon, has some great significance in our lives whether you believe it or not, from the tides in the sea, to animals that are active during this phase, just ask any one who works in the medical field on how this day usually turns out... Its that time of the month where our senses heightens and intensifies, and makes us more creative and intuitive, a great way on focusing on plans to be fulfilled. In order to be in-tuned with our senses, one must devote a few minutes of time to pray and meditate, to be thankful and grateful, and most of all to empty that cup full of old crap and allow new wisdom and ideas to flourish, focusing in our hearts and scanning our over all spiritual and physical bodies.

In this painting i combined all that representation with the flower of life, which represent our connections to each other, as we are in the beginning of the Golden Age Era, if we work collectively with prayers we can jump start our lives and the lives of others. I know that it seem that everything is out of order at this point in time, but it only tells you that the old guard is being exposed and we are all fed up with being lied to and deceived, its time to set ourselves free and start working on you passion, with your purpose, even if its one day at a time, we must build momentum and keep the ball rolling and sooner or later our inner selves and our outer environment will change according to our likes. Although its still a long way, but by improving ourselves, being a better man or woman each and everyday, more blessing and more happiness will manifest. God bless us all.

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