Learn how to paint a Peacock Portrait using acrylic paint, with timelapse video (Part II)

“Peacock Portrait Painting”

Part II

(12 x 12 inch acrylic on abstract resined canvas)


Im on my second day of painting for this series, For Part II of this series, i had a very bright idea of expanding my peacocks feathers, i wanted to change it so that i could make the peacock itself stand out, it everythings focused on the feathers.

I consulted my wife, and she likes it already buy i was not satisfied with what im seeing, iand i already had the liquid resin dry out already, i was a little bit hesitant to do those changes, but it was all worth it, and actually it made it more easier to paint it in a larger scale. And also i got some inspiration using the “Phi Ratio” where its the pattern of the universe and all living beings. Its also a sacred geometry thats can be seen everywhwre in nature and in our own bodies.

I used that idea to create my peacocks feathers, and it really fits well, you will see on the video how that came to be.

Here is my video painting for part II of this tutorial series

please check out my previous post for this series

Peacock painting tutorial Part 1

final painting for Part II

Now i just poured a liquid resin amd will allow it to dry overnight so i can paint on top of that layer again. I will be working in my 12 hr job tom as a nurse, so i will miss painting again. But will fond time to post as soon as i can finish part III, for now it looks beautiful

******** END OF PART II ********


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