Recent Ink Sketches - Animales y Ojos


I have drawn many subjects, but animals have rarely been in my repertoire.

When I was in eighth grade, my art class went on a field trip to the Fort Worth Zoo. Our assignment was simple: draw as many animals as possible. I remember that day as one of my favorite school field trips.

Woefully, I have none of the drawings I made that day, nor any other art made in my youth. The vast majority of it was gifted to friends, the rest sacrificed to the U-Haul gods during one move or another. No matter! I've made some more animals and I present them now.

My favorite among these is the vulture because of the look in his eye. I am his favorite too, from what I've heard. The gazelle has beautiful, luscious lips,
and the primate just doesn't care anymore (typical).



Eyes are always fun to draw. When it feels like the ink is staring back, the job has been well done.

I could probably fill an entire book with nothing but eyes, they are so intricate.
Here I was dabbling with different ways of drawing the details of the irises to capture the most depth and dimension.

This page is a quick study, so some of the eyes leave a bit to be desired, and few seem more alien than human, (which was not my intent) but I have no complaints. Part of the process and the fun!

I see you.

There are more pages to share
For all those who care
To have a look
at my sketchbook.

Until we meet again, fellow Steemians
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