Turning an old wooden bracelet into a Psytrance festival accessory + some great tracks to vibe with me

Namasté lovely Steemians and fellow Psytrance lovers! 🕉

Summer is getting closer and closer and I really can't wait to spend some magical days on amazing Psytrance festivals again! And to even increase my anticipation and dream of all the wonderful moments I'll experience soon, I started making my own accessories!

When I found an old wooden bracelet, I decided to give it a new look and turn it into a psychedelic one. I used some airbrush colour, but used some normal paintbrushes.


Here is how I did it and some great tracks for you. I hope you enjoy!😊

1. This is how it looked like before the transformation


2. Let's remove that old colour to make space for something new!


3. I like red, so I decided to stay with this colour as a primer


4. As a psychonaut and nature lover there is no other way than painting mushrooms on it 😉


5. The book "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho is my favourite book so this side was inspired by it. I can highly reccommend to read this masterpiece! 🏝


6. Since I meditate for more than 10 years an "OM" symbol can not be missing (and of course some little dots on the white patterns in the colours of the seven Chakras) 🕉


7. Feeling very connected to the universe and the planet Uranus it was obvious to me to paint it on my bracelet to always have it with me (even if it got pretty dark, but I guess it's like a little secret to discover) 🌌


Self made festival accerssory: Check!✔


Here are the tracks I promised! Let's start our own little festival in our homes! 👽

Shpongle - Divine Moments Of Truth (Astrix, Loud & L.S.D Remix)

Dee Rex - Soilent Green (Original Mix)

Myrah - Morning Story

Goa Syndrome - Psy Warrior

Ajna - Mother Gaia

OxiDaksi - Revolution

Do you also make your own psychedelic accessories or decoration? I would love to see it! Great tracks are also always appreciated! 🙂

Much love and good vibes to you and thank you very much for reading and your support! 💖

Yours Linda

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