"Ithaqa" Comic Book Update #145 Changes Incoming + Crowdfunding With Steem


We're coming to a close on issue 2, so it's a good thing that steemit paid me out enough money to fund issue 3! I expect that we will be kickstarting this project in a few months, in order to fund its completion and to try and reach a wider audience.

Also, I have decided to transition this series of 24 page "floppies", into a single graphic novel. I felt that:

A) Small publishers seem to prefer graphic novels over 24 page floppies
B) It will be easierto kickstart a graphic novel, rather than several issues of a comic book
C) Book stores would rather buy a graphic novel for their shelves, instead of a bunch of issues

So this means that I will be doing some restructuring of the work you've already seen. Since I'm no longer constrained with a page limit, I will be adding some pages to issue 1 in order to smooth out some of the more abrupt transitions, and I will write a new opening for the story.

The story starts off a little too slow for a graphic novel, and so I'm going to brainstorm what extra pieces of info I want to feed the audience in order to get them hooked.

Once I kickstart the project I'll be sure to use this daily blog as a way to give my backers updates, hopefully driving new users to the site. When the time comes, I hope you all will help me spread the word on steemit (and to our family and friends). I'll want to reach as many people as possible, and I'll be sure to let all of them know that steemit has been instrumental to this comic book's creation.

I dream of a future in which the kickstarter goes viral, funds the project, and then funnels hundreds of new artists to steemit.

That's my hope anyway :)

If you're new to this comic I strongly recommend you check out our instagram page, as I'm currently uploading pages from issue 1 there every day (this is issue 2).
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ithaqacomic/

Theresa Chiechi's (The Artist @la-fumettista) website is here: http://www.theresachiechi.com/

Sign up for updates on our website: https://www.ithaqacomic.com/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/pg/IthaqaComic/about/?ref=page_internal
Twitter: @IthaqaComic

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