Rest in Peace. Tablet.


What a sad day.
My tablet died along with the pen, wrapped in toilet paper.
I had it wrapped on it because it hurts my fingers, the plastic it had wore down to the point where it broke and was useless.

I will be trying to get a new one. But the tablets that i've found here are 7000 pesos and .... that's not worth it. I need the pen pressure to be the same as it was with this one, cause, believe it or not, it does affect my work style...

Lended my friend's tablet for a bit, she was in Canada and couldn't use it as of now, so took it. I had a newer one but, i tried connecting it and it just didn't turn on. Uninstalled everything and nope. Nothing worked.

Sad day.

A minute of silence for a very old tablet.

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