Since creation man has devised ways of modelling his habitat to suit his various needs like where to sleep,eat,and also how to protect himself from harsh weather conditions like rainfall,and sun. Man started out by living in caves which provided for man's basic need which was to find a place where he will lay his head.
But the disadvantage was that this caves where few and could be found in mountain areas only. With the increase in the population of human, man found out that the few number of caves could not satisfy his needs he decided to find another place to live in and as the saying goes "need brings about invention". Man ventured into the forest and discovered that he could use the wood from the trees to construct his house but this houses where attacked by termites from that he moved to the use of clay to mold his house.
As the stone age came to an end man discovered limestone and found out he could extract cement from it, which was harder than clay or stone, then he started mixing sand with cement to construct buildings the discovery of steel iron brought the invention of skyscrapers
Nowadays, the construction of houses has taken a new dimension with the use of compressed wood shavings,this new type of wood has been declared fire proof and most importantly can not be attacked by termites. Not long from now the construction of houses would be like the construction of LEGO houses where all the pieces would have been manufactured that it would be arranged on the site. As we advance in age new and better ways of construction would be discovered all we can do is to surrender to the madness.

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