Maps (Part two: Hand-carved, hand-stitched, hand-cut bedroom installation)

I kind of shot myself in the foot when I said I would do this all by hand because I didn't really anticipate how long it would take to put all of the maps on everything but there you go. I did try using a dremel on a small section inside one of the drawers but immediately decided against it when I broke one of the attachments and slipped away from my own guide lines! No one was hurt but the shock on my face must have been priceless.


At the time of these photographs the light wasn't actually working, something to do with the fuse, but by the time of the exhibition at my sixth form in which this was featured, one of the staff had bought a replacement lamp and put my lampshade on it. I hadn't realised my work would be in that particular exhibition so when I arrived I was surprised to see so much of my work up, including this piece. The exhibition was also the first time I had seen the piece all together with the light working, it was a small detail that made a big impact in terms of atmosphere and I regret not taking any photographs.





The only things bought specifically for this piece was a second hand bedside table and the lamp, everything else was found around my bedroom. The entire piece brings the outside in, and combines those places that both myself and the people I love find important.

In the end it took about 30+ hours to put maps onto every surface and the put everything together and I think it was worth every minute because i'm really proud of the way it turned out.

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