..Sunset in Melides..

IMGP0013 steemit.JPG

Oil on canvas ~ 50×40cm

..A sunset painting based on a photo taken in Melides, Portugal back in 2011, with a sh#$% phone cam, while in vacation with some good old friends, now living in other places both in Portugal, Spain and Germany, if I'm not mistaken, and I miss Them all!!..

..painted a few days after getting home, based on the sh#$% phone cam photo..

..(funny fact: They had to 'drag' me out of home since I hadn't been to the beach for 11 years and after that never went back, although I did love the days We were there, except the single hour I was forced to go into the beach xÐ)..

And to You watching this, Thank You =P

P.S.: don't go to the beach, everybody is almost, and in some cases completely naked!! x)

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